PFC Update: Meeting notes edits and answers to questions

Published: Wed, 05/23/18

Payette Coalition Community Forum
Meeting notes edits and answers to questions- 2018-05-23 11:37:56-04

Thus far, suggested edits are to add August 16th field trip to LCBC with Chief and Regional Forester attending" under Summer Field Trip Planning.

Also, two questions were asked during the MFWR implementation update and Ronda has followed up. 

1) What types of roads being decommissioned?  In speaking with Mel Vining our District Hydrologist and she informed me it would be a mix of system and unauthorized roads. 

2) Is there still a barrier between bull and brook trout in upper reaches of watershed? The barrier in question is in the Little Weiser watershed and is located in Anderson Creek and it will not be removed.