Forestry for Southern Idaho Tour

Published: Wed, 04/18/18

Coalition News and Events
Forestry for Southern Idaho Tour

Idaho Department of Lands, NRCS and the Adams Soil & Water Conservation District invite local timberland owners to learn about managing their private forests at the Forestry for Southern Idaho Tour. 

Join us in Council on Wednesday, May 16th, from 8:30 to 5:00.  We'll meet in the morning at  the Adams County fairgrounds exhibition building to learn about log scaling, insects and disease, and more. Then we'll head out to visit a small mill and view private timber sites to see before and after logging for commercial timber harvest and fuels reduction. See the flyer for the dayÂ’s schedule.

Please register by contacting the Adams Soil & Water Conservation District: or 208-253-4668. 

Cost is just $10.00/person--and bring your lunch!

