Update to Draft Meeting Notes: March 15, 2018

Published: Tue, 03/20/18

Payette Coalition Community Forum
RE: Draft Meeting Notes: March 15, 2018- 2018-03-20 10:59:08-04


A few suggested changes to the notes were made and I thought I'd make you aware. 

Third bullet under WBP Key Messages now reads, “Nutcrackers are important seed dispersers and are significant for WBP regeneration.  Nutcrackers are energy-sensitive foragers: as WBP health declines, they move to other food sources.  This leads to a decline in seed dispersal.”

Under WBP Actions, added, “Those interested in WBP data collection should contact Paul Klasner.”

Under PFC checkup Discussion Report Out, reworded eighth bullet to read, “Continue outreach and PR to counter negative attitudes toward Forest Service and PFC.”

Under Adams Soil & Water Conservation District Forestry Tour, turns out there is a $10 fee to attend.  Corrected action item to read, “Lin Davis will also spread the word with his homeowners association in the New Meadows area"
