Land Allocation Committee Update

Published: Fri, 05/12/17

Coalition News and Events
Land Allocation Committee Update

Committee Update and Next Steps

There will be no Land Allocation Committee meeting this month.
Instead, the co-chairs of the committee are asking people who attended one or more Committee meetings to help determine next steps.


We are asking folks who attended on or more of the meetings to complete this short survey>>
The survey will be open through Monday, May 15th.

Draft Report Review

We are also asking folks who participated in the Committee meetings to review a draft report on the Committee's work and recommendations for potential next steps.  (If you only  have time to do one thing, the survey is shorter).

The draft report is available on the PFC Forum at this discussion thread.  Please provide comments using the Forum by Midnight, May 15th.  We will be presenting the final report at 10 am on Thursday May 18th at the PFC monthly meeting.  The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend.  The  meeting agenda is available here.