Research Request: Oregon State University Project

Published: Mon, 07/11/16

Coalition News and Events

Dear collaborative group participants and partners,
My name is Don Ulrich, and I am a faculty research assistant in Forestry and Natural Resources Extension at Oregon State University. Dr. Emily Jane Davis and I are working on a research project about forest collaborative groups.
I am contacting you to invite you to participate in a survey for this project, entitled “Evaluating Collaboratives as a Model of Natural Resource Governance”. The survey will ask about your perceptions of the effectiveness of the collaborative groups with which you’re involved, as well as your experience of other group characteristics. Results will be published in applied journal articles and research briefs, and shared at regional meetings.
This research will keep your identification and all data confidential, and is conducted with approval of Oregon State University’s Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects. Contact information is provided below.
If you would like to take this survey, please click here: 
You will be asked to provide consent before entering the survey. The survey will be open and available for participation until July 20th. You will receive periodic reminders.
Thank you very much for your time.
Donald Ulrich, Faculty Research Assistant
Oregon State University Forestry and Natural Resources Extension
Dr. Emily Jane Davis, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist
Oregon State University Forestry and Natural Resources Extension
321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR, 97331
If you have questions about your rights or welfare as a participant in this research, please contact the Oregon State University Institutional Review Board (IRB) Office, at (541) 737-8008 or by email at