Middle Fork Weiser River Roads and Trails by Alternative Interactive Map Posted

Published: Fri, 05/27/16

Coalition News and Events
Middle Fork Weiser River Roads and Trails by Alternative Interactive Map Posted

An ArcGIS Online interactive map of the Middle Fork Weiser River alternatives comparing roads and trails is available at this link:


Some tips for viewing the map are:

Use Chrome for the browser, it runs into issues with internet explorer.

Move the Alternative 1 map and the others will move with it. Moving or zooming in Alternatives 2-4 move those maps independently and once you navigate in Alt 1 it will readjust.


You can move around by left mouse clicking and holding or zoom in and out with the +- zoom in the map or using your mouse scroll wheel. Pictures in Alt 1 pop up when you click and if you click on a road or trail you can get some info. Some differences by alternative are highlighted in the Alt 1 map, clicking on the area will pop up some information. Sometimes there is more than one pop up activated, use the arrow at the top right of the window to scroll through them. The side panel can be hidden by clicking the three horizontal lines at the top of the panel and the legend can be toggled on and off with the i button (in internet explorer you don’t see these buttons but in Chrome you do).  A map comparing vegetation treatments will be forthcoming.

Please feel free to give me feedback on this product

Steve Penny


GIS Specialist

Payette National Forest