April 2016 Collaborative Restoration Workshop - Denver

Published: Mon, 01/18/16

Coalition News and Events
April 2016 Collaborative Restoration Workshop - Denver

We’re very excited to share that the website for the 2016 Collaborative Restoration Workshop just went live! You can check it out at  https://www.nationalforests.org/collaboration-resources/collaborative-restoration-workshop.


Please help us get the word out to partners – registration for non-Forest Service folks will be “first come first served” (with the exception of speakers/panelists identified). So, please share this link with your collaboratives! Note that there is funding available to help offset the costs of attending (more details on the website). Also note that there will be a special session focused on CFLRP on the third day of the workshop.


A few additional updates to the site will be added on Monday, January 18th:

·         Poster session details (it would be great to have CFLR posters there!)

·         Hotel booking link (to join the room official workshop room block)

·         Room and ride share forum link


Thanks for your help getting the word out. See you in April!



Lindsay Buchanan
Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program Coordinator

Forest Service

Forest Management

p: 202-365-2600 

1400 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20250

Caring for the land and serving people