Land Allocation Committee

Published: Mon, 02/08/16

Coalition News and Events
Land Allocation Committee

The PFC recently voted to form a Land Allocation Committee. Current PFC members are welcome to join the committee or participate in any meetings. If you are interested in being a member of the committee and have not already done so, please let me know. I can be reached at or at 208-345-6933 x 13.

I am currently working with potential committee members on a place, date and time for our initial meeting.

I will not be able to attend the February 18 PFC meeting but can find a substitute to give a committee progress report if needed.

As discussed, the committee should include a diversity of interests, including conservation groups, motorized recreationists, mountain bikers, hikers, and equestrians. Committee members will be expected to serve on both the Land Allocation Committee as well as the PFC.

If you know of someone who may be interested in being a member of the committee or being a resource for the committee, please send their contact information to me at or at 208-345-6933 x 13.

Land Allocation Committee

Proposed by PFC steering committee and approved by PFC, January 21, 2016

Proposal: Create a land allocation committee under PFC umbrella.

Mission: Assess current land designations and make recommendations for improvements to PFC.

Participation: Committee members will be expected to engage in all PFC affairs, including restoration activities.

Topic scope: Focus on Inventoried Roadless Areas, Research Natural Areas, and Recommended Wilderness Areas and other Management Prescription Categories.

Geographic Scope: Entire PNF

Trial Period: Committee will be reassessed at the end of 12 months to determine if larger PFC goals are being helped by committee and whether to continue with committee.