IFRP Announcements: State of the Forest FY2013

Published: Mon, 07/15/13

State of the Forest: July 2013
The State of the Forest report for the current quarter of the federal fiscal year is available on the IFRP website.

The Idaho Collaborative Groups engage in a variety of activities and the Partners commend their commitment and accomplishments.  The State of the Forest focuses on a specific group of activities - the collaborative work that documents progress from the  pre-project design phase (NFMA) of a proposed action, through NEPA review, to the  award of contracts, and implementation of multi-party monitoring.

The summary report is an index to related documents.  The reader can download any of the referenced materials from the IFRP website.

We apologize in advance for projects that were overlooked; please respond to this email to request additions.

CBC Members Sign Work Plan

The Clearwater Basin Collaborative announced a major milestone during the third quarter of FY13 - the release of the Agreement and Work Plan (A&WP).   The signed document commits the members to address six natural resource issues in a combination of administrative and legislative methods.  The six resource issues are:
  • Forest management
  • Rural economic needs and county funding
  • Tribal and special places
  • Wilderness, wild and scenic rivers and special management designations, 
  • Wildlife management
  • Recreation
The work plan is a comprehensive package that represents the diverse interests of CBC's membership.

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