Save the Date: BFC Meeting on Dec. 5th

Published: Fri, 11/08/19

Coalition News and Events

2019-11-08 15:41:09-05
Please hold Thursday, December 5th, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for the next BFC meeting. The meeting location and agenda will be shared prior to the meeting.
Please note the following:
A number of documents will be made available for review in the coming weeks, including the Lost Horse Scoping Comment Letter and the Coalition Letter of Support for the CFLRP application. Please review these documents as they are posted and provide your questions, comments and concerns to Elizabeth Spaulding at .

We will be finalizing and approving these documents at the December 5th meeting, so it is important that all voting members try to attend this meeting!

For more information on the Lost Horse project, please visit the Boise National Forest project site here:

BFC Website hint:  The BFC Project Library webpage includes links to the Forest Service project pages in the left column of the page.  Click on the project name of interest, and the Forest Service index to their project documents will be displayed in the browser.